Phil Jones BG-80 Double 4 Plus 90-watt Bass Combo Amp Black
Original price was: $773.00.$100.00Current price is: $100.00.
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Phil Jones BG-80 Double 4 Plus 90-watt Bass Combo Amp Black.
Professional Miniature Practice Bass Amp.
With increased power and newly added features, the Double Four Plus BG-80 is a worthy successor to PJBs legendary BG-75 Double Four model. The BG-80 is a90Wattsingle channel bass combo with two four-inch speakers and a3bandEQthatisperfectly tailoredforbassguitar.Otherfeatures include anauxiliary inputforiPad/iPod,smart phoneordrummachine,stereoheadphoneoutjackandalineoutforrecording.
Recorded music sounds great through the Bluetooth function (V5.1 with aptX HD). In addition, the Double Four Plus is equipped with aDC input (USB Type-C port) connection which supports a mobile power bank of USB PD (Power Delivery) Protocol. This provides the ultimate in Tone To Go and busking possibilities, even where AC power isnt available.The BG-80isidealforallkindsofbasses,andcanhandletheopenBstring ona 5-stringbasswithease.
Sohowdoyougetthe ultimatebasssoundfromasmallspeakercabinet?PJBhas applieditscutting-edgeexperience in designing small speakers to achieve a4inch driverwithSwisswatchprecision.UsingourextensiveR&Dfacilitywhichincludes thelargestan-echoicchamberinthebassguitaramplifierindustryandthe transducerKlippelmeasurementsystemwith laser technology,PJB wasabletodeveloptheproprietaryPJBlong-thro4-inchspeakersthathavefullfrequencyrangeuptothehighestaudiofrequencies.Notonlydoesthisgivegreaterclarityand transparencytoyourinstrument,butalsoahigh-fidelitysoundtoanybackingtrackfedintotheauxiliaryinput.
The cabinet is small and portable and built to the same high-quality standards of all PJB cabinets. What you hear from the Double Four Plus is the closest you can get to how your instrument actually sounds, and, is remarkably loud for its size. This latest model in the Double Four series is a remarkable achievement in design, features, and tone.
Digital Amplifier with 90Watts (2x45W) 1% THD
Switchable high gain input OR low gain stage with mute function
Independent level control and mute function to both Aux and Bluetooth input
One stereo input for Drum machines or iPod/Smartphone players
3-Band EQ
Line Output for recording or driving another amplifier
Bluetooth 5.1 with Qualcomm aptXTM HD codec
Use under any AC voltage worldwide. (90~240V)
DC input (USB Type-C port) connection supports Portable charger of USB PD (Power Delivery) Protocol.
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